AMR – Wired M-BUS Systems

M-Bus  is a  wired  open protocol communication technology  that  is used for remote reading of meters such as, electricity, water, heat, cooling and temperature meters. M-Bus can also be used for controlling and monitoring processes. 


Reliability is the biggest advantage of a M-BUS wired communication system. Unlike radio solutions which are always subject to changes in the environment, which could be affected by other devices using the same frequencies and which must penetrate changes in the physical environment, wired solutions are unaffected if the cable is intact.

The system is very robust against electrical disturbances, while it is possible to have a cable length of up to several kilometres with a standard 2-wire cable. WilSon Energy always recommends to “double up” on the cable connections for added security.

Wired M Bus

Elvaco Technologies – Typical Wiring Options

End devices, such as meters, are called slaves in M-Bus terminology. They are operated by an M-Bus master, usually a separate product or built into a more advanced gateway product. Although this design means that meters only need to rely on the M-Bus cable for both communication and power, therefore the collection device also needs to be mains powered.

Elvaco M-Bus gateways then collect data from all meters in the network and create an interface to the Meter Data Management software or can be exported directly, for example in csv format. The units can be controlled both via the fixed network (Broadband connection) and via mobile technology (SIM Card). The scope and reach of the M-Bus infrastructure is extended with special M-Bus extenders. They can, for example, be used as amplifiers to increase the length of the M-Bus cables or to be able to read more devices.

Available Products include:

  • MBUS Metering Gateway for Mobile Networks
  • MBUS Metering Gateway for Fixed Networks
  • MBUS Maters for 32,64,128 and 256 Meters
  • Fully Integrated Build Box (Enclosures)
  • Additional Licences
Amr Wired M Bus Systems Elvaco 1
Amr Wired M Bus Systems Elvaco 2
Amr Wired M Bus Systems Elvaco 3
Amr Wired M Bus Systems Elvaco 4