Heat Network Cost effectiveness Assessment Tool

With the updated version of the Governments Heat network metering & billing regulations (2020), it is a legal requirement to undertake a metering cost effective assessment for most building types to ensure compliance with these regulations. 

WilSon Energy can assist you in the process, by using the assessment tool to identify if there is a requirement to install metering or not. If deemed necessary, we can then recommend and if required, carry out installation/commissioning of suitable metering products and automatic meter reading systems to collect actual data for credit billing or operate on a Pay As You Go basis. 

Unlike other meter distributors, we offer a full end to end solution, including a fully managed billing & bureau service, compliant with both the Heat network metering & billing regulations (2020) and the Heatrust.

For more information, please go to Regulations: heat networks (metering and billing)

To discuss your project further please contact a member of our team at: enquiries@wilsonenergy.co.uk